Ch.L.P.I. o.z.

Aktivity občianskeho združenia
Zdrojovo orientovaná zdravotnícka ekonomika
Pacientsky orientovaná medicína
Úvod O nás Ciele Upozornenia
Chronické latentné perzistentné infekcie
Oznamujeme verejnosti, že občianske združenie Ch.L.P.I oficiálne zaniklo dňa 16.11.2017. ... čítať ďalej
Mission of this site is to
  1. familiarize the public with problems of chronic latent and persistent infections and source oriented healthcare economics (please see the further particulars in referred-to articles).
  2. inform the public about the origin and activities of the civic association Chronic latent and persistent infections (please see further particulars in the article "Aims").
  3. register specialists or people affected by or interested  in particular problems in order to support our activities by different possibilities (please see the further particulars in the article "Registration").
  4. clarify the connection between source oriented healthcare economics and successful treatment of chronic latent and persistent infection (please see further particulars in the article "What are connections").

As the current stage of our activities is beyond the potentialities rendering a comprehensive healthcare service and treatment, please be apprehensive and respect the following measures.

The listed e-mail contacts of the civic association don’t substitute professional consultancies or other treatments associated with ambulance or hospital services.

We will inform all the registered subscribers in the event of successful establishment of the planned healthcare institution for patients affected by chronic latent and persistent infections.