Ch.L.P.I. o.z.

Aktivity občianskeho združenia
Zdrojovo orientovaná zdravotnícka ekonomika
Pacientsky orientovaná medicína
Úvod O nás Ciele Upozornenia
Chronické latentné perzistentné infekcie
Oznamujeme verejnosti, že občianske združenie Ch.L.P.I oficiálne zaniklo dňa 16.11.2017. ... čítať ďalej
What are connections

 chronic latent and persistent infections (C.L.P.I.),
exact holistic medicine
in the source oriented healthcare economics (S.O.H.E.)
and health policy of medicine-market complex.

The slovak health system of physician evaluation depends the most on outputs number, on registered patients number (so called capitation) or on hospitalized patients turn-over. That is the key marker of the health economy „fruitfulness“, as more output units, as more registered patients, as more hospitalized turn-over, as bigger money gainings. These are the official quantitative markers which help to explain patient satisfaction and patient interest in the concrete health institution.

When we want to clear the principles of the system, let us take the extreme situation. If theoreticaly all of population were healthy during any time, number of outputs units and hospitalization turn-over would be zero. So no gainings would be there in the system. Formally such status would be considered as economy abortion or bankruptcy of the health system. Interesting is that such economical failure would be exclusively in the case of strong population health. Logicaly it results that economical profits of the health system needs maximum sick patients. For long lasting gainings and big turn-over are chronic sick patients the most convenient group for economic health system prosperity.

While patients are productive, mortality is not advantageous, otherwise number of clients would decrease. Anyhow is is not advantageous to have healthy and independent population from health system, otherwise number of clients would be decreased, too. That is why decreasing of mortality is needed (frequently proclaimed in media), but not restoring to health just being cured.

Results from this, postproductive part of population (mainly pensioners) become not interesting group for such system as productivity is negligible. So legitimate apprehensions rise from that pensioners mortality becomes economic profit for the system.
In such medicine-market complex based on blanket market principles of ask and bid (hence disease as requirement of bid), chronic sick patients inadvertent bring economic profit, too.  

Evently patients afflicted by chronic latent and persistent infections denote in future if not now significant part of chronic sick patients with wide spectra of symptoms. Although on one side they can be permanent clientele for health market, on other side they denote significant economical lack with sickness absence or working performance decline.  

Currently exact holistic access with deepest analysis of causes will bring in wide connections in diagnostics and solving the problems.  Simultanously we come to conclusion that real problem resolving expectations is the most effective in the source oriented healthcare economics (S.O.H.E.) in the deepest cause elimination – resource of problems, not merely signs or not intermediate causes.  
In the connection new requirement arised in scientific definition of „troubleshooting diseases“ (see troubleshooting diseases) and update Hippocratic conception of the integral medicine in wide complex of relations with modern metodologic knowledge of EBS-EBM (evidence based science – evidence based medicine).

Resolving of troubleshooting diseases  requires  more effective method devices integrated within complex so-called exact (scientific) holistic medicine with significant characteristics as follows:

  1. innovativeness
  2. complexity (holistic)
  3. consequentiality (causality)
  4. accuracy (exact)

Exact holistic medicine is therefore necessarily:

  1. rigorously scientific (evidence based medicine)
  2. resource based hence oriented in deepest patient trouble causes elimination (pacient oriented medicine)
  3. economicaly configurated in motivation towards restoring patient to health not merely suppresing the symptomps (resource based health economy)

Basic element of selection pressure in medicine-market complex is that physician is gainful for morbidity of patient, while in conception of exact holistic medicine in the system of source oriented healthcare economics (S.O.H.E.) is physician gainful for health of patient.


Warning against misinterpretation and against extreme opinions

The S.O.H.E. is not intended against commercial principles themselves, it is not against means of payment, it does not refuse commercial aspect but support other motivation orientation which denotes positivity of commerciality. So pharmaceutical subjects intended for natural, holistic and causal products of therapy are specially welcome, but not alone. Classical synthetic products are stil irrecoverable especially in acute medicine needs ! The key aspect of the S.O.H.E. in pharmacy commerciality is to harmonize the natural-synthetic relation in the science holistic accesses and establish institution facilities for restoring chronic patients to health !

Question is, what is humanity?
Physician gaining for patient disease or for patient health,
hence money gaining for bad luck or for good luck of people?

 Concrete connections will be clear after acquaintance with the themes C.L.P.I. and S.O.H.E.,
while part C.L.P.I. is more actual for patients or family members,
part S.O.H.E. is intended for everybody caring about better health.

© MUDr.E. Kozma, Slovakia, 26.04.2013