Ch.L.P.I. o.z. - O nás

Aktivity občianskeho združenia
Zdrojovo orientovaná zdravotnícka ekonomika
Pacientsky orientovaná medicína
Úvod O nás Ciele Upozornenia
Chronické latentné perzistentné infekcie
Oznamujeme verejnosti, že občianske združenie Ch.L.P.I oficiálne zaniklo dňa 16.11.2017. ... čítať ďalej
O nás
Assistence and cooperation

We offer domestic and foreign private persons, including foreign patients, as well as national institutions cooperation in establishment of the healthcare S.O.H.E. type institutions.


If you are interested in support activities for the civic association, you can help:

  1. by a petition signed on your behalf
  2. by a petition signed by other supporters
  3. by a financial assistance (donation, sponsorship...) provided for:
    • the web site administration or the civic association
    • the study of a new therapy methods
    • diagnostic or therapeutic devices
  4. by your interest in the position to invest in the S.O.H.E institution of the new healthcare model
  5. as a mediator for the aforementioned financial or investment assistance
  6. as a sympathizer without a membership
  7. as a passive member of the C.L.P.I. civic association
  8. as an active member of the C.L.P.I. civic association
  9. by your any assistance agreed individually  


The intention of the planned petition (for the time being in an annotation processes) is to

  • support and establish a healthcare institution of the S.O.H.E. type mainly specialized in C.L.P.I. treatment and training of innovative physicians forced to leave for abroad (please see the facts about the "brain outflow" from Slovakia here)
  • create a professional medical specialization for chronic latent and persistent infections (which won't belong to standard specialization of the infectology category like pneumology and physiology, hence pulmonary and TBC diseases)
  • eliminate bureaucracy hindering prescription of more efficient remedies registered in other advanced countries if Slovakian physicians are compelled to treat C.L.P.I. by remedies unregistered in Slovakia yet.
  • oblige healthcare insurance companies to sufficiently contribute to the costly treatment of patients stricken by C.L.P.I.
  • officially accept the C.L.P.I. diagnoses even in a case of disability, sickness absence and other social assistances
  • officially accept the C.L.P.I. diagnoses as vocational diseases and risk factors for medics engaged in this particular field
  • improve efficiency of administrative regulations for innovative studies of newest diagnostic methods and treatments of voluntary patients stricken by C.L.P.I. diseases, otherwise desperately reliant only on self-experimentation (you can find the the facts about the innovation crises in Slovakia here)
  • solve the epidemiologic C.L.P.I. situation
  • provide tax, customs and other discounts on items necessary for C.L.P.I. treatment by physicians to make a final price for patients affordable.